Spelt Cinnamon Snowflake Cookies - CHRISTMAS RECIPES

Spelt Cinnamon Snowflake Cookies  - CHRISTMAS RECIPES | Healthy Dinner, easy Dinner, Dinner recipes, week night Dinner, Dinner ideas, chicken Dinner, Dinner fortwo, quick Dinner, family Dinner, Dinner casseroles, cheap Dinner, #Dinnersoup, #Dinnerroom, #Dinnereasyrecipes, #Dinnercrockpot, #Dinnereasyrecipes, #Dinnerprimerib, #Dinnerglutenfree, #Dinneriasyrecipes, #Dinnercrockpot, #Dinnerglutenfree, #Dinnerfamilies, #Dinnermeals, #Dinnerlowcarb, #winterDinner, #Dinnercheese, #Dinnerhealthy#Dinnerfamilies,

Spelt Cinnamon Snowflake Cookies  - CHRISTMAS RECIPES | Healthy Dinner, easy Dinner, Dinner recipes, week night Dinner, Dinner ideas, chicken Dinner, Dinner fortwo, quick Dinner, family Dinner, Dinner casseroles, cheap Dinner, #Dinnersoup, #Dinnerroom, #Dinnereasyrecipes, #Dinnercrockpot, #Dinnereasyrecipes, #Dinnerprimerib, #Dinnerglutenfree, #Dinneriasyrecipes, #Dinnercrockpot, #Dinnerglutenfree, #Dinnerfamilies, #Dinnermeals, #Dinnerlowcarb, #winterDinner, #Dinnercheese, #Dinnerhealthy#Dinnerfamilies,

Spelt Cinnamon Snowflake Cookies  - CHRISTMAS RECIPES

Aimee, these look beautiful!! So beautiful that I can very well imagine them decorating a Christmas tree, as you said :) Your recipe is already on my to-bake list ;) Thanks for sharing!


  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • Icing sugar + extra cinnamon, for dusting
  • 200 g / ¾ cup + 2tbsp dairy-free butter, I used Vitalite
  • 1 tsp vanilla paste
  • 100 g / ½ cup soft light brown sugar
  • 300 g / 2½ cups white spelt flour , (or you can use plain white flour)


  1. Frist, Cream the butter, vanilla and sugar together. Stir in the flour and cinnamon and mix into a dough. 
  2. Then Wrap in cling film and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes to firm up.
  3. Next, Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 160c / 140c (fan) and line a baking tray with parchment paper.
  4. Then Once the dough is chilled, roll out to approximately ½ cm thickness and cut into snowflakes using a cookie cutter. 
  5. Next, Place on the baking sheet and bake for 12-15 minutes until golden brown at the edges, turning half way through to ensure even baking.
  6. Then Leave to cool for at least 10 minutes then dust with icing sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.
  7. Enjoy It !

Recipes adapted from :   forkly.com


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